Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Book Review: The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan

I have read The Eye of the World, the first book of The Wheel of Time, probably 3 times since I first discovered it more than a dozen years ago. It's stayed with me all this time and with the announcement of an actual TV series based on it (not the vague rumors from years ago), I knew I had to at least re-read the first book to re-acquaint myself with the characters and the legend of the Dragon. One of the largest Epic fantasy stories of modern times, it deserves to be read by fans of the genre.

Read on for my spoiler-free review.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Book Review: Second Foundation by Isaac Asimov

This is the third book of the original Foundation trilogy. There are actually a few more (Foundation's EdgeFoundation and Earth) which I've also read before, but my copy was a hardcover containing the first 3 books. This then is the culmination of the main arc of the Foundation story, revolving all around the mysterious Second Foundation.

Read on for my spoiler-free review.